The History Of The Stuffed Bear

There is a toy that has captured the hearts and minds of countless numbers of children around the globe, and that toy is the stuffed bear. The story of how it came to be called a teddy bear goes back to the time of Teddy Roosevelt. He was out hunting one day and those, who with him caught one.

When he arrived on the scene, his friends tried to set it up for him to shoot it. The president saw the situation and would not shoot it because it was trapped. He felt that it was not fair. The next day, a businessman heard about it and thought is should be displayed with some bears made by hand.

It caused quite a stir and they wanted to use the name of the president to identify the cartoon. Interestingly, a toy company in Germany came up with a similar toy around the same time. Back in the states the name teddy became associated with the toy bears and it stuck.

The name of this company was Steiff. This bear that they created was stuffed on the inside, and a businessman from America learned about it and brought some home. The one that the company produces had joints. These two stories about the beginning of this item hold up as being the most credible.

What makes this toy so love is the place in the American culture that it has taken? Just about everyone has a story to tell about his or her beloved toy. They have the ability to touch the heart and bring to mind early childhood memories. They come in every color, size, and texture.

In some cases they are more than just toys. They can serve a variety of purposes. They have a soothing affect on people young and old. Just holding one can calm a person and make them feel more at peace. Touching the fur and rubbing it may be comforting. They also, have a therapeutic affect.

Today, it is a multi billion dollar business. Each year more and more of them are purchased. The original design is the same as an actual bear, even though real bears are not cuddly. Some of them take on characteristics that are friendly.

Pillows, beanbags, blankets, and other things are made from them. They can have joints, or they can be made out of one piece. Fur is the main material that is used to make them, although cotton, silk is a suitable material. They even have knitted and crocheted bears in beautiful colors. The sizes also vary. They can range from very small bears all the way up to life sized one.

Another thing that is popular is clothing them. There is a company that give people the opportunity to dress them the way they want. This way they can take it a step further, and make it their own.

A new trend in the business of the stuffed bear is to customize a bear in their own special way. There are companies that help children and adults create a signature bear using all kinds of materials to personalize the. Anyone, who has tried it always comes away smiling.

Read more about The Stuffed Bear Is Still Popular visiting our website.

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