Information About The New Hip Seat

Many moms carry their child on their backs, directly on the hips, or with a shoulder strap. This may be fine for a little while, but eventually the child will be at an age where carrying them in this position may have damaging long-term effects for the mother on her spine and muscles. One of the products that claim to help avoid these problems is the hip seat. Here are 5 pieces of information that will help with deciding if this is worth the investment or not.

This hip seat is a large belt that goes around the body and stays secure with Velcro, allowing it to be adjusted to any size. Once in place, click the buckle for more safety and put in any random items in the pockets that are hidden in the inner section of the belt.

When the child sits directly on the adult, the weight of them pushes down on holder. Rather than having to hold the child from underneath, the idea of this seat is to have there be less pressure on the hip. The Velcro and buckle make it easy to switch the shelf from one side of the body to the other without having to go through the hassle of taking it on and off.

There are many health benefits with this seat as well. It acts as a back supporter and evens out the weight between the back, spine, and shoulders. Normally the child would sit directly on the waist, but with this seat, the weight would be primarily on the pelvis, waist and hips, allowing the back to be straighter rather than having to push the hip out.

There is no doubt that having a hip seat is easier to navigate than pushing a pram around a busy city, walking on the beach, or any other crowded area. Some moms use it around the house in order to keep a watchful eye, or because they enjoy being close and seeing the world from a different angle.

Here is a word of caution. This seat does not have any back support and is not meant to be a replacement for hands. The idea of it is to help take the pressure of various joints and keep the children close if need be. It is great for short walks and trips, but they could get heavy again after a while.

In regards to prices, they will range pretty dramatically. Like most things, if name brand is important, the price will go up, but if not, go for an off brand and save a few bucks. There are a wide variety of colors to choose from as well.

The hip seat is an interesting product that attempts to help prevent or relieve back pain for parents. It may not be the most comfortable on the waist for some, but could be a good short distance solution. Others might prefer to stick with the sling or the push. But for those interested, talk with other moms and see if they are using it or have in the past. It is always good to try out a product before making the purchase.

You can visit the website for more helpful information about Information About The New Hip Seat

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