Ideas for obtaining the very first job for your child

John is a senior at the local high school. As soon as he graduates, he would start searching for employment. With the present economic condition this would not be an easy task. He would be competing with about 40,000 similar graduates for getting the decreasing number of jobs available. Since the kids just completing their schooling do not have any experience, it becomes increasingly difficult for them.

John’s parents are concerned. The fact that there is an increasing number of unemployed children staying with parents, is naturally worrying them. They are wondering what they can do to help John t to find a job.

First, parents need to take it easy with their graduated children. The children are aware that they would not be able to stay with their parents all the time. They also feel the necessity of searching and getting a job. You need to support them when they need it and encourage them in the efforts that they are putting forth. Showing faith in them produces the best results. In addition, don’t nag when things aren’t going as fast as you think they should.

Many youngsters do not have the ability for finding employment. This makes them prematurely give up the effort. Only way to avoid this is to provide them encouragement and motivation. Taking up part time employment is also an option which you can suggest. Student graduates that are at least working part time are set to move into a permanent situation when the time comes.

Treat your child as a partner in this endeavor. Proper communication would help you in knowing his needs. One of the biggest mistake parents make is insisting that their son or daughter do what they think they should do. When you get a clue to what your child wants to do, encourage them in that direction. Show them empathy when the going gets rough. Work out a plan with them and make sure they are fully included.

By all means, don’t be too soft. Your child would need some firm encouragement so that he does not give up easily. If you feel that things are not working out then you need to step in.

You need to establish good rapport with your unemployed child. Agree on a set of rules and expectations and make sure you both understand the signs when these expectations are met. For example, you can allow him to drive your car if he completes and forwards 5 job applications.

It would be better if you suppress your temptation to do things for him yourself. That doesn’t help the situation at all and it destroys the confidence the child has in both you and them. Keep in mind the world of job hunting has changed since you first started this endeavor.

Above suggestions would definitely help you if you want to help your child in his efforts for getting an employment . If you do, both of you will feel much better when that job comes along and trust and confidence will remain.

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