Baby Sleep Cycle

How much sleep does my newborn need?

Your baby needs lots more sleep than you need. In a 24-hour day, the normal newborn sleeps for 16 hrs. Even at a few months, your newborn will need to sleep for about fifteen hours out of 24 hours.

Your newborn would not sleep at a stretch, even at nighttime. Initially your baby will need to wake up for feeds. From when your baby is born to when she’s 3 months old, your little one will sleep in spurts, and generally for longer time periods at night.

The length of the sleep pattern is dependent on your toddler. Your baby is going to most likely nap for about two hrs during the working day, and four hours to 6 hours at night. Some babies sleep through the night in a few weeks, while other babies take a year or more to achieve this.

As your child grows, he/she will slowly wake for longer time spells. By the time she is two, your toddler will nap for about 13 hrs a day, with only one daytime nap of about one hour 30 minutes.

Indicators of Exhaustion

Your newborn will covey it to you through certain signals if he/she requires sleep. Stay alert for these common signals of tiredness:

* Rubbing eyes

* Yawning

* Looking away from you

* Fussing

Do not wait until your newborn is overtired. An overtired toddler has more difficulty falling and staying asleep. Attempt to continue to be a step ahead by looking out for the symptoms before your baby gets fussy and cranky.

A rocker or bouncer can help put your baby to sleep quicker and keep him/her safe too. Shop for baby products online and you won’t have to leave your baby’s sight even for a second.

What’s going on

Child sleep cycles are much shorter than that of grownups, and babies spend a lot more time in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, that is considered essential to the development of their mind. REM slumber is lighter than non-REM sleep, and easily disrupted.

All of this unpredictability is usually a required period for your infant and it isn’t going to last too long – though it may appear to be an eternity when you’re sleep-deprived.

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