Choose to Be Blissfully Happy

Why are some moms happy and others are not? Are you happy right now? Why? Why not?

Do you ever rush through your day, eager to move on to the next thing without taking the time to truly enjoy the present moment? Is your family happy right now, or are you too busy trying to “get to XYZ” in order to “finally be happy.”

But things were happening around me without me truly enjoying them. The baby learned how to walk. I took the pictures and video like a “good mom” but I didn’t have the wonderment and the joy that I would have liked to experience. My older daughter said goodbye to her friends-friends that were so close they felt like siblings. I was there-I again took the pictures-but I was thinking about “getting this done quick” so I could go home to pack.


I made a mistake. I’m human, but I’m not comfortable with my decision.

But, as a human, I have the choice to do things differently. I can choose to spend more of my day in a blissful/thankful/joyful/HAPPY state then in a sourpuss/frowny/nothing is ever good enough state.

Because that’s what I would wish for my daughters when they become moms.

And this isn’t some weird Resolve lady who answers from the other room “That’s Okay!” in a sing-songy voice when her kids say they just spilled grape juice on the carpet.

She must be on crack. Who in their right mind would do that? It’s grape juice! Grape juice stains!

But so does freaking out. And so does yelling and screaming and throwing grown-up temper tantrums.

What for?

Grape juice?

On carpet.

for reals?

Is that worth it?

But we’ve all been there. We get caught up in the quest to be supermom.

So we crumble.

Those moms who appear on the outside to be supermoms-do they not have babies up at all hours of the night? Do they not have dishes to wash, a husband who works too much, kids who act ungrateful and the forever-growing Mt. Washmore in their house?

Or have they just decided to be happy?

Is that it?

To just *decide*?

But I can’t be happy right now. I’m too fat. My house is too disorganized. My kids don’t listen. They don’t sleep, either. I have a deadline at work. My husband doesn’t help. And he’s losing his hair. And he never cuts his toenails. I need new bras. I have too much laundry to do. That lady in the grocery store looked at me funny. I haven’t done the baby’s scrapbook and he’s turning 14 next month.

I’m too busy to be happy right now. It’s not in the cards.

It’s up to you.

You are the boss of you.

You are in charge of every experience you have today and tomorrow.

You are your child(ren)’s best role model.

Choose to have fun today.

Choose to love a stranger today.

Choose to be happy.

Learn more about time management for moms. Stop by Totally Together Journal where you can find out all about simple family chores and how they can help you.

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