It is in the nature of children to have short attention spans. Experts state that the younger they are, the more difficult it is for them to sit still and concentrate on a single task for a long time. Yet, in some cases, children’s inattentiveness is due to factors other than age. As prolonged inattentiveness can be a major hindrance to academic progress, knowing these other causes is vital for parents to properly address the situation.
Certain behavioural disorders just like Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are known to affect people’s ability to focus. Kids suffering from ADHD, in particular, are also hyperactive and impulsive. It is important to note, though, that children with ADHD may be able to focus, even zone out, if the tasks interest them.
To address ADD and ADHD, parents and children must collaborate with experts like child psychologists, behavioural therapists, teachers and other health care professionals. Currently, a combination of behavioural therapy and medication is needed to successfully treat these conditions.
Another cited cause of inattentiveness in children is sleep deprivation. When it comes to this matter, parents should know that sleep deprived children are not only those who don’t have sufficient rest time but also those who do not sleep well. Parents must not also fall for the misconception that snoring is an indicator of a good night’s sleep. Fact is, snoring in children is associated with behavioural problems like inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and depression.
In situations involving inattentiveness due to sleep deprivation, parents may utilise simple remedies like changing the diet of the kids or redesigning their rooms to make them sleep well. Meanwhile, when it’s a case of habitual snoring, parents are encouraged to take their children to a trusted throat and ear specialist in Singapore. If possible, for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment, they must visit an ENT Doctor for Children with an extensive background in curing snoring problems.
Lastly, children’s failure to focus may also be due to stressors in the house or school. Included in the list of home stressors are separation of parents, domestic violence, birth of a new sibling, etc. On the other hand, the primary source of stress in school is said to be bullying. In these cases, the best way to enable children to focus again is to eliminate the stressor.
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