Internet Jobs For Stay At Home Moms Could Be A Scam!

There are tons of jobs listed online that target stay at home moms, but how do you know if these are real opportunities or just scams from people or companies trying to take your money? There are real jobs available even for people with little to no experience working online, but it’s hard to know which ones are for real and which ones really are too good to be true.

There are a lot of businesses that need help with online marketing and some need help on a regular basis. Search engine optimization (SEO) services can help a business get their site ranked as well as making their site more user friendly. Many of the ads you’ll find in this area are legitimate opportunities, but that doesn’t mean that they will be easy for you to learn or provide the best chance for you to succeed.

A very common scam that has been pulled millions of times involves an advertisement for a secret shopper. While there are some positions out there for companies who want an individual to pretend to be a consumer and see what they experience these are not as plentiful as you may think when you search the web and see all of the listings. One way that this may happen is you are told that you are hired, and a check arrives for a large sum of money.

The company tells you to cash the check, deduct a specific amount for the purchases required and your fee, and then return the balance of the check to the sender. What happens is that the check ends up bouncing, you are on the hook for the entire amount, and the individual behind the scam has your money and can not be located. Usually the perpetrator is in a foreign country where law enforcement has few if any options in order to apprehend or prosecute the criminal.

You will also find a lot of ads for surveys online that will target stay at home moms. The ads will say that you will get paid for filling out the surveys, but the truth is that you will just be redirected to dozens of sites and forced to sign up for offers in order to qualify. When you sign up for an offer, the owner of the site will get paid, and most people find the amount of time it takes not worth the tiny payment you may make if you finally sort through all the offers, so this is really just a scam to make money for the owner of the site.

If you are interested in learning more about real job opportunities for stay at home moms, visit our site.

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